Zion's Young People Christian Organization


During the summer of 1973, the church elected Mrs. Gladys B. Goforth as Youth Directress of Zion Baptist Church. Grateful for the work and leadership of the dedicated youth leaders and advisors who preceded her, Mrs. Goforth solicited the continued support and assistance of all those current leaders and advisors who at that time were Mesdames Rhudine Johnson, Nellie Ford, Delores Herbert, and Miss Elnora Robinson. She sought to coordinate all the youth groups of the church and officially organized a Junior Church in September 1973. Encompassed in this organization were members of the youth choir, youth ushers, scouts, Sunday School, Mencie Reeder Junior Missionary Circle, and the youth at large.
Oliver Washington, Jr., was elected as the first youth chairperson. Other Junior Church Officers elected to serve the 1973-1974 terms were: Clarietta Marshall- Assistant Chairperson, Diane Blocker-Secretary, Ivy Goforth-Assistant Secretary, and Sam Jackson- Treasurer. Adult Leaders were Mesdames Jean Abraham, Sylvia Adams, Rhudine Johnson and Miss Elnora Robinson.
In 1974, when the Noble family allied with Zion, Mrs. LouEllen Noble became an ardent advisor. Other advisors augmenting the youth movement were Mesdames Annie Gibson, Wilhelmina Bristow, and Ruby Burton. In later years, joining our Advisors Staff were Miss Clarietta Marshall, Mr. Oliver Washington, Jr., Mrs. Juanita Pearson, Deacon Sammie Alexander, Mrs. Delores Herbert, Mrs. Evelyn Cunningham, Mrs. Agnes Hardison, and Mr. John Bookhart.
We have been blessed to have had many conscientious youth officers who were steered by the following chairpersons: Oliver Washington, Jr. - 1971-1979, Sabrina Burton-1979-1980, Pamela Noble - 1980- 1981, Frannette Bradley 1981-1982, Tonya Bookhart - 1982-1983, and Ramona West 1983-1984.
Other Youth Directors through the years have been: Mesdames Agnes Hardison, Mary Alice Graham, Cynthia Walters, Chinue Scott, Kimberly Donalson, Sherry Moore and Anita W. Taylor.
In 1979, our Directress, Mrs. Gladys Goforth, proposed a specific name for our Junior Church. Since we were a combination of all of Zion's Young People's Christian Organizations, the youth accepted the acronym ZYPCO. Mrs. Goforth suggested that such a name was a challenge for the YOUTH to be full of ZIP and ZEAL for the Lord. The proposal was presented to Pastor Goforth, who was encouraging and impressed with the idea. When he presented the proposal to the church, the name was unanimously accepted and adopted by the Zion Baptist Church Family.
Today with an enthusiastic group of young people and a conscientious group of youth leaders, the ZYPCOs continue to grow and extend its Christian in reach and outreach programs.